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Energy Management E-news


$17 million in funding to get BC drivers into clean cars RIGHT NOW
B.C. consumers now have access to $17 million in funding as part of the province's initiative to help get the public into clean energy vehicles and support the green-tech sector. READ...

Alberta's Drake Landing Solar Community nets Energy Globe World Award
Canada scores big at this year's Energy Globe World Award ceremony in Wels, Austria, capturing the title prize for the Alberta project ''Drake Landing Solar Community''. READ...


CIPEC 2011 awards recognize Canadian industry energy efficiency leaders
Earlier this month at the Energy 2011 conference, 12 CIPEC Leadership Awards were presented to companies and individuals for their ''significant and innovative contributions to energy efficiency''. Who was named? READ...

COLUMN - Connecting Communities for Continuous Conservation
Our columnist Ken Sinclair looks into the many new communities in which building automation is an integral part, with examples of how visualization through graphics can allow buildings to become an intrinsic part of a community. READ...

Energy improvements can save Greater Cincinnati $60 million and create jobs
According to a study by the Greater Cincinnati Energy Alliance, energy efficiency upgrades to the local area's homes and non-profit buildings can save area residents $60 million via lower energy bills. READ...


ASHRAE Winter Conference, January 21-25, Chicago, Ill.

AHR Expo, January 23-25, Chicago, Ill.

MainTrain 2012, February 13-16, Toronto, Ont.

Carrier's Global Engineering Conference, March 18-20, Las Vegas, Nev.

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