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Energy Management E-news


On-bill energy efficiency improvement financing a growing trend
How familiar are you with ''on-bill financing''? A recent study reveals that repaying energy efficiency improvements through utility bills, or on-bill financing, is becoming more widely available, and extending opportunities to historically underserved markets. READ...

Canadian buildings to become more energy efficient with new NECB
Canadians consume about four times per capita of energy than the world average. To combat this, the National Research Council is proposing a solution that will grant provinces and territories ''significant energy savings and important socioeconomic benefits''. What is it? READ...

Square footage of LEED-certified existing buildings surpasses new construction
According to the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), the square footage of LEED-certified existing buildings has surpassed LEED-certified new construction by 15 million square feet on a cumulative basis. READ...

MasonryWorx announces new president and board for 2012
MasonryWorx, a trade association of brick, block and stone masonry industry professionals, has announced that Jack Prazeres will lead its new 2012 board and executive committee. Who will sit alongside Prazeres? READ...

Glenn A. Garland named to Telkonet's board of directors
Telkonet Inc., developer of the EcoSmart energy management platform, has appointed Glenn A. Garland, president of CLEAResult, to its board of directors. READ...


ASHRAE Winter Conference, January 21-25, Chicago, Ill.

AHR Expo, January 23-25, Chicago, Ill.

MainTrain 2012, February 13-16, Toronto, Ont.

Eco-Business Breakfast: ''Energy Management'', February 23, Mississauga, Ont.

Energy Management 101, March 15, location TBD

Carrier's Global Engineering Conference, March 18-20, Las Vegas, Nev.

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