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Energy Manager E-news

The spotlight in this issue is Making a Green Statement. CLICK HERE to see our 2013 editorial calendar.

LEDs cut energy consumption and cost by half

Running leaner and greener is a top priority for companies globally as facility managers look for solutions to help mitigate the rising cost of electricity, and LED technology has emerged as one of the most attractive retrofit solutions for delivering immediate cost savings. READ...


Help solve world energy challenges with “Go Green in the City” 2014
Schneider Electric has launched the fourth edition of “Go Green in the City”, a global business case challenge focusing on innovating energy solutions for the city. READ...

Ontario launches emPOWERme to boost your energy literacy
Yesterday, Ontario launched emPOWERme, an interactive website to help energy consumers better understand the province's electricity system. How does it plan on doing this? READ...

Building Agent app promises improved building efficiency via occupant feedback
A software application could improve the efficiency of commercial buildings by allowing occupants to interact with buildings more directly. READ...

Who are the Energy Star Market Transformation Award winners this year?
Joe Oliver of Canada's Ministry of Natural Resources has announced the recipients of the 2013 Energy Star Market Transformation Awards for advancing energy efficiency. Who was named? READ...

Hawkesworth to be Alberta's “energy excellence ambassador” for 360 Energy
Energy and Hawkesworth Strategies announced an Affiliation agreement that will bring energy management services to the Alberta market. READ...

City of Toronto emerges as Eco-City Community Challenge top dog
Toronto has been named the top dog in the Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance's (CEEA) Eco-City Community Challenge, earning energy savings of 3.4-million kWh/year. READ...

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