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Energy Manager E-news


The spotlight in this issue is Making a Green Statement. CLICK HERE to see our 2013 editorial calendar.

VIDEO: Get inspired at 2013 saveONenergy Symposium Waterloo Region

The annual event returns to Ontario today to help businesses uncover ways to intelligently manage their electricity load and, ultimately, save energy and money. WATCH...

APPrO 2013


EM CAREERS: Call for volunteers to serve on Canada's Codes committees
The Standing Committees of the Canadian Commission on Building & Fire Codes (CCBFC) is looking for volunteers to serve in the next code development cycle—of particular interest is ''Energy Efficiency in Buildings''. READ...

Focus on solving energy poverty, not supposed climate change, argues ICSC
A recent report of the Non-governmental International Panel on Climate Change demonstrates ''that the science being relied upon by governments to create multi-billion dollar [climate change] policies is almost certainly wrong'', says the International Climate Science Coalition. READ...

CEEA's national advocacy plan outlines its energy efficiency priorities
The Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance's (CEEA) new national advocacy plan outlines the alliance's priorities for future energy efficiency efforts in Canada. READ...

Empower Me program recognized with Business and Environment Award
This pilot energy conservation program—designed specifically for South Asian and Chinese families—has trained Energy Mentors who teach their network of family and friends how to use equipment efficiently. READ...

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