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Energy Manager E-news

The spotlight in this issue is Insulation. CLICK HERE to see our 2013 editorial calendar.

Without insulation, upstairs may as well be outside

There are plenty of homes that experience cold spots, drafts, cool walls and icy floors, which are often symptoms of poor insulation. READ...

Collaborating Convergence and the Changing Industry

This December column is about “Collaborating Convergence” or as I like to joke “The Gear Heads meet the C-suite”. READ...


Smart devices can track building occupants to manage energy consumption
Office buildings have an enormous carbon footprint, but energy is often wasted maintaining empty rooms and spaces at a comfortable temperature. READ...

Payback poor with highly insulating windows... maybe
Highly insulating triple-pane windows keep a house snug and cozy but, based on utility-bill savings, it takes two or more decades for the windows to pay for themselves. READ...

Winter 2013/14 energy outlook OK; forecasts higher natural gas prices
The National Energy Board has noted that Canadians heating their homes with natural gas can expect to spend slightly more than they did last year, while electricity and heating oil consumers are not likely to notice a sizeable increase. READ...

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