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Energy Manager E-news

The beneficial energy conservation effect of air barriers

The specification of air barrier materials for exterior building enclosures is becoming increasingly common. Here is a study that evaluates the energy conservation benefits of continuous air barrier systems relative to the benefits of increased insulation. READ...

Energy Summit 2014


Canadian Linen recognized for water and energy conservation
Canadian Linen and Uniform Service says it is the largest commercial laundry organization worldwide to earn Clean Green Certification from TRSA, a textile services industry association. READ...

Advancing international research in building occupancy behaviour
An assistant professor with the University of Texas at San Antonio has been invited to lead an International Energy Agency (IEA) study that aims to set an international standard for measuring energy-related occupant behaviour in buildings. READ...

Energent energy management solution selected for 10 Ontario universities
Ten Ontario universities will be commissioning Energent's energy management information system to help track individual energy performance, as well as compare usage with other campuses. READ...

Dent Instruments and Setra partner for joint development
Dent Instruments, a designer and manufacturer of power and energy measurement instruments, has announced its joint development agreement with Setra Systems, a provider of sensors and display monitors for HVAC and building automation systems. READ...

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