Energy Manager

BC government and partners announce $6.9M in funding for 35 energy projects in 10 school districts

February 16, 2011

Terasen Gas and the B.C. Government have announced they are providing $6.9 million for 35 energy projects in 10 school districts to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption and costs.

February 16, 2011  By  Alyssa Dalton

“By working together, we’re able to realize significant savings opportunities,” said John Yap, minister of State for Climate Action. “It starts with thinking about how we use and conserve energy and then implementing renewable technologies such as geothermal exchange and solar thermal air technologies.”

Delta School District is among these 10 school districts to benefit from the Public Sector Energy Conservation Agreement fund.

“We are extremely pleased to see our project come to life,” said Dale Saip, board chairperson, Delta School District. “The teamwork and shared vision of our organizations has resulted in an incredible learning opportunity for our kids and our community. We are grateful to Terasen and the Province of B.C. for their commitment to a better future in Delta and school districts throughout the province.”

The projects range from energy infrastructure upgrades to solar wall installations to state- of-the-art geoexchange systems buried beneath 11 Delta School District playing fields to capture the heating and cooling properties of the earth.

“Our collaboration with the Delta School District is an excellent example of what can happen when many parties come together to find creative uses of integrated energy solutions,” said Doug Stout, vice president, Energy Solutions and External Relations at Terasen Gas and FortisBC. “Through projects such as these, we can inspire students across B.C. to be conscientious about the energy they use.”

According to the province, the combined annual energy savings from the 35 projects are estimated at nearly $720,000 and annual greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions of almost 2,800 tonnes.

To date, the fund has helped achieve annual energy cost savings of more than $7.4 million and GHG reductions of over 18,700 tonnes.


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