Energy Manager

Enwave adds heat to new downtown Toronto tower

The new North Tower of the Bay Adelaide Centre will use a deep lake water cooling system (DLWC) that will significantly reduce the building's GHG emissions.

November 15, 2019  By  Megan Hoegler

Enwave Energy Corp. is working with Brookfield Properties to incorporate additional efficiency to the heating and cooling operations of the third and final tower of Bay Adelaide Centre, a new 32-storey high-rise North tower set for completion by 2022, of which Scotiabank will be the lead tenant.

The two existing Bay Adelaide Centre towers, located in the heart of Toronto’s financial district, are currently connected to Enwave’s deep lake water cooling (DLWC) system—a district energy system that draws renewable cold water from Lake Ontario to cool downtown buildings.

For the new 820,000 sq. ft. North tower, Enwave will build and operate within the Bay Adelaide Centre complex, a hot water plant that generates heat from both natural gas and electrically powered heat pumps. A supplemental heat pump will also capture residual heat from the DLWC system and reuse it to heat the building.

According to Enwave, the solution is a lower-carbon highly-efficient process that will significantly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and the new tower will be one of the most thermally sustainable buildings in Toronto.

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