Energy Manager

Feds support CaGBC zero-carbon building education

February 20, 2019 – Today, Canada’s federal minister of environment and climate change, Catherine McKenna, announced support through the Climate Action Fund for the Canada Green Building Council’s (CaGBC’s) promotion of zero-carbon building retrofits and construction.

February 20, 2019  By  Peter Saunders

The Ottawa-based CaGBC plans to increase climate change education, awareness and action. The federal funding—up to $496,333—will benefit many of the organization’s professional members who are reportedly eager to make zero-carbon buildings the new norm.

“CaGBC is pleased to be a recipient of the Climate Action Fund, which will support Canada’s role as a leader in constructing or retrofitting zero-carbon buildings,” says Thomas Mueller, CaGBC president and CEO. “The funding will increase the knowledge and skills of architectural, engineering, technology and renewable-energy firms in applying low-carbon measures.”

CaGBC launched its Zero Carbon Building Standard in 2017.

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