Energy Manager

Johnson Controls helping Oak Ridge National Laboratory save $264 million

July 25, 2012 - The U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) expects to save more than $264 million and reduce fossil fuel use by 72% at its Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) through energy and operational efficiency measures over a 25-year performance contract period with Johnson Controls. The project is expected to deliver these results through the installation of a new biomass steam plant and several additional conservation measures.

July 25, 2012  By  Anthony Capkun

The steam plant uses wood chips collected within 50 miles of Oak Ridge, Tenn., to supply 60,000 lb of steam every hour for the campus. In addition to the steam plant, other energy-conservation measures implemented include: a mechanical equipment upgrade; steam system upgrades; digital metering; lighting upgrades; building management system improvement; domestic water conservation; and a plant air system upgrade.

“The federal government is leading by example, proving that energy efficiency saves money, protects the environment and stimulates the economy,” said Iain Campbell, vice-president and general manager, Johnson Controls Global Energy and WorkPlace Solutions. “Other public and private organizations can access programs like performance contracting to capture similar savings and benefits.”

Performance contracting allows a customer to make system improvements that are self-funded via cost savings, says Johnson Controls. Under such a contract, the cost of the upgrades are paid over a specified number of years by the energy, water and operational cost savings the project generates. Johnson Controls guarantees all or a portion of these savings under the terms of the contract.

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