Energy Manager

London Hydro is “industry’s first utility” to push multiple Green Buttons

February 10, 2016 - Ontario’s London Hydro has announced it is the industry’s first utility to complete the Green Button Alliance’s Download My Data (DMD) Testing and Certification process for electricity, natural gas and water usage data. The utility says it will now be able to provide this information to customers, enabling them to access and manage their own resource consumption while opening opportunities for application vendors.

February 10, 2016  By  Renée Francoeur

Green Button is a “secure way to get your energy usage information electronically”, according to the Green Button Alliance (GBA), adding that its testing and certification program is designed to support and accelerate the development, deployment and adoption of compatible, interoperable Green Button solutions. Certification “broadens the Green Button ecosystem and increases the market potential for vendor products,” GBA says. The Alliance’s technical staff worked with London Hydro during the certification test preparation, and UL, an Alliance founding member, conducted the Green Button DMD certification of London Hydro’s implementation.

London Hydro is the first utility in Canada to receive this Green Button Download My Data (DMD) Certification from UL, says GBA’s Valdis Hellevik, and they are also the first utility globally to receive this certification for all three types of Green Button Usage Data: electricity, natural gas, and water.

“London Hydro is taking a leadership position by effectively leveraging the full capabilities of the Green Button standard,” says Barry Haaser, executive director at GBA.

London Hydro adds that the Green Button DMD certification and “Green Button Certified DMD” mark on its website assures customers and application developers that they can rely on the data they receive and increases consumer engagement.

“London Hydro is committed to providing our customers with software choices to help them manage their energy consumption through the Green Button standard,” says Syed Mir, vice-president of Corporate Services and CIO, London Hydro. “Certification is a critical element to ensure compliance to the standard and will lead to more adoption and third-party software development.”

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