Energy Manager

National Leadership and Green Building Excellence Awards accepting nominations

December 2, 2019  By  Megan Hoegler

Nominations are currently being accepted for the National Leadership and Green Building Excellence Awards.

The CaGBC Awards recognize individuals and organizations that have made a significant contribution to advancements within the Canadian green building industry. The Leadership Awards recognize the commitment, vision, creativity and passion driving the individuals and teams behind the growing success of the green building industry, while the Green Building Excellence Awards aim to showcase the most efficient, effective and impactful buildings across the country.

Leadership Award categories include Green Building Champion (individual), Green Building Pioneer (individual or organization), Emerging Green Leader (individual), Volunteer Leadership (individual), Inspired Educator (individual or organization), Government Leadership (individual or organization) and Technical Expertise Volunteer (individual).

The Green Building Excellence Awards categories are New Construction- Commercial or Institutional, Existing Building— Commercial or Institutional, Inspiring Home, Tenant Improvement and Zero Carbon.

Nominations can be submitted through CaGBC Dec. 2 through Jan. 20.

Click here to nominate

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