Energy Manager

Cleantech Features Net Zero Profiles
Net Zero… for the Rest of Us

January 24, 2022  By  Anthony Capkun

January 24, 2022 – We’ve heard terms like “net zero”, “net zero ready”, etc., bandied about for a few years, but what exactly do they mean?

More importantly, what do they mean for those who construct and operate our built environment?

To lend their perspectives and help define “Net Zero for the Rest of Us”, we eagerly welcome to EBPowerCon 2022: Bolis Ibrahim, co-founder and CEO of Argentum Electronics Inc.; Tonja Leach, executive director of QUEST (Quality Urban Energy Systems of Tomorrow); and Gregory Leng, creator and director of the RETScreen Clean Energy Management Software at NRCan’s CanmetENERGY research centre in Varennes.

EBPowerCon launches January 31 as a virtual event. Free registration.

Meet the Speakers…

GREGORY J. LENG is the creator and director of the RETScreen Clean Energy Management Software at Natural Resources Canada’s CanmetENERGY research centre in Varennes, Que. Available in 36 languages, RETScreen is the world’s leading clean energy decision-support tool, used by 700,000+ energy professionals and decision-makers in every country, as well as by professors at 1300+ universities and colleges for teaching and research.

He is also a Fellow at the Payne Institute, Colorado School of Mines, in Golden, Colo.

Gregory’s career is focused on the clean energy market, technology and policy interface, and he has been working in the renewable energy and energy efficiency fields since 1987.

He obtained his Master of Science from the University of Massachusetts Lowell in Energy Engineering (Solar) and a Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing and International Business) from McGill University.

TONJA LEACH has held a number of roles at QUEST (Quality Urban Energy Systems of Tomorrow) before becoming its executive director in October 2018. Her organization works with all three levels of government, utilities & energy providers, the development community, and solutions providers to help Canada become a nation of Smart Energy Communities.

She is currently an active advisor on a number of committees, including the Energy Futures Lab Partners Council and Steering Committee, National Coherence Working Group, Clean Resource Innovation Network Steering Committee, Positive Energy Advisory Council, and the Low Carbon Community Energy System project steering committee.

BOLIS IBRAHIM comes from an electrical engineering and project management background in both the electronics manufacturing and electrical contracting industries. He is passionate about the rise of intelligent buildings that utilize direct current power distribution, advanced sensors, and intelligent automation to dramatically reduce energy consumption to achieve net zero operations.

He is the co-founder and CEO of Argentum Electronics Inc., a technology company that helps buildings of any type conserve energy and reduce emissions through intelligent modular DC power distribution systems, sensors, and building automation software.

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