Energy Manager

Nominations open for inaugural BLOOM Sustainability Leadership Award

July 10, 2012 - This year, the Bloom Centre for Sustainability (BLOOM) is launching the BLOOM Sustainability Leadership Award to recognize Canadian organizations who are "creating exemplary business and stakeholder value through sustainability" and "excel in strategy, actions and outcomes". Does your organization fit this description?

July 10, 2012  By  Alyssa Dalton

According to award criteria, applicant organizations must demonstrate accomplishments that provide comprehensive long-term value, measured by tangible triple-bottom line metrics: economic, environmental and societal. The inaugural winner will be announced at the Sustainability Applied 2012 Gala on October 17, 2012.

“Sustainability is commanding a lot of attention these days, but it means little if there is minimal value created for an organization and its stakeholders,” said BLOOM.

Eligible Canadian organizations include industrial, commercial, and institutional businesses/organizations. CLICK HERE for more information and to download the award application form. The deadline for applications is due Friday July 27, 2012.

“Integrating sustainability into business strategy, operations, culture and the value chain of an organization is a major accomplishment,” added Michael Fagan, senior vice president of BLOOM. “But doing so in a way that creates tangible long-term value for both the organization and its stakeholders is trailblazing. These organizations are the true sustainability leaders that BLOOM wants to recognize and highlight as an inspiration for others to emulate.”

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