Energy Manager

Papers due April 18 for Ashrae 2012 Winter Conference

Papers addressing advances in high performance buildings, integrated design and energy modeling, and specialized applications are being sought for the Ashrae 2012 Winter Conference in Chicago, Ill., Jan. 21-25.

February 2, 2011  By  Alyssa Dalton

The deadline for paper submissions is April 18, 2011.

• The integrated design track addresses how the integrated building design and integrated project delivery processes are being applied to build better buildings. Papers are being sought on case studies, lessons learned and ongoing research projects studying new project delivery methods.

• The energy modeling applications track seeks papers that address energy modeling and building information modeling tools available, their use and specific applications, including systems, building and communities. Papers that address an integrated approach from modeling through end designs are requested.

• The specialized applications track focuses on high-intensity HVAC applications, such as laboratories, hospitals and data centers. Papers should highlight design recommendations, regulations and lessons learned.

Papers on operations & maintenance, HVAC systems, HVAC fundamentals and applications, professional skills, and refrigeration are also welcomed.

CLICK HERE for more information on tracks, contacts and submittal requirements.

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