Energy Manager

Save it Forward program encourages energy conservation in schools

August 24, 2011 - More than 8,400 students in more than 30 schools have learned about using and conserving energy this past year, thanks to a partnership between the Departments of Natural Resources and Education, said the government of Newfoundland and Labrador.

August 24, 2011  By  Alyssa Dalton

The Save it Forward program was introduced last fall, encouraging schools to submit proposals to the provincial government to promote conservation and wise energy use, it explained.

“We were very pleased with the diverse projects submitted by schools throughout Newfoundland and Labrador,” said Shawn Skinner, minister of Natural Resources. “We funded a variety of projects from litterless lunches, to the purchase of solar panels, to window insulation.”

In November, students were asked to come up with ideas which support the conservation and efficient use of energy. The proposals were evaluated and more than $76,000 was allocated to the successful applicants, said the government. For example, Henry Gordon Academy in Cartwright plans to develop an energy conversation game for use at home and turn off the heat at the end of the day. Meanwhile, Jakeman All Grade in Trout River plans to install digital thermostats and purchase a power generating bike for the school.

“As a government, we are also making an effort to use energy more wisely,” said Joan Burke, minister of Education. “In many of our new schools, we have incorporated eco-friendly features, such as ground source heat pumps, energy-efficient lighting, and other components which are designed to maximize energy efficiency. As a result, more of our students are learning about energy conservation – and living it as well.”

According to the province, Save It Forward delivers on a commitment in the 2007 Energy Plan to invest in the development of innovative educational programs that engage young people in energy conservation and climate change. The program will continue next school year, with an anticipated call for proposals in the fall.

Click the PDF below to see a complete list of projects.

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