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Save on Energy celebrates Ontario’s 2022 energy champions

November 21, 2023  By  Anthony Capkun

Source: Save on Energy / IESO

November 21, 2023 – Save on Energy—the mark of energy efficiency programs offered by the Independent Electricity System Operator—recently celebrated “Ontario’s most creative and forward-thinking energy managers, and their work to champion energy efficiency at their organizations”.

According to Save on Energy…

EDWARD CAI – At the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, energy manager Edward Cai has built a strong energy conservation team of 40 people who are able to deliver significant savings through their work in operations, maintenance, conservation awareness and employee engagement.

Source: Save on Energy / IESO

Between 2018 and 2022, the team’s efforts to implement energy efficiency and conservation projects led to $2.5 million in savings each year. These projects are key to the school board’s sustainability and energy-reduction goals, and are making a real difference across the entire board.

SUMIT KHATRI and TUGRUL KODAZ – The two are constantly on the lookout for energy efficiency projects that provide energy-reduction benefits and improve tenant comfort in buildings owned by Dream Unlimited. As senior energy managers in the real estate industry, they provide in-house expertise on energy-saving opportunities across Dream’s portfolio.

Source: Save on Energy / IESO

By understanding how their building systems use energy, they find ways to make improvements to help the bottom line. For Khatri and Kodaz, working closely with building managers, property managers and building operators is key to find energy-saving opportunities. Together, they are supporting Dream’s goal of becoming net-zero by 2035.

ALEX VON KNOBLOCH – As Magna Modatek Systems’ operational excellence and sustainability leader, Knobloch works to identify and implement energy efficiency projects to meet the auto manufacturer’s sustainability goals. He and his team are focused on making Modatek a pioneer in sustainable auto manufacturing and a trendsetter in the industry.

Source: Save on Energy / IESO

Their energy efficiency projects are helping to make the company more efficient, as well as more competitive for the future market in electric vehicles. They are also making a difference in the community as they work toward their sustainability goals.

ALLISON MERZ – At St Marys Cement, energy analyst Allison Merz is focused on identifying energy efficiency projects that result in energy savings, increase plant productivity and improve equipment reliability. Merz works with teams at St Marys’ two plants to help drive energy management projects forward.

Source: Save on Energy / IESO

In 2022, Merz and her teams—supported by Save on Energy—helped the company achieve 4500 MW in energy savings. Through their employee campaign initiative, they’re engaging employees across the organization in energy management to achieve even greater success.

ALAN SUTTON – The energy manager at Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada leads energy efficiency programs that have resulted in over $1 million dollars in annual energy savings over the past five years, as well as in increased profitability and a reduced carbon footprint.

Source: Save on Energy / IESO

Supported by Save on Energy, Sutton and his colleagues are developing a path toward strategic energy management at the auto manufacturer. A key area of their focus is to make energy efficiency a team effort by increasing employee awareness and engagement to identify solutions for reducing energy use.

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