Energy Manager

HVAC & Plumbing
Turbulators by RAE Coils work with glycol for better flow

November 20, 2015 - RAE Coils, a division of RAE Corporation, has new turbulators for water/glycol coils in HVAC systems. The turbulators are designed to improve heat transfer and therefore efficiency of HVAC systems, says RAE, utilizing glycol solutions to protect coils from freezing in cold environments.

November 20, 2015  By  Renée Francoeur

When HVAC systems operate in cold environments, the risk of equipment failure or damage is high, RAE explains. If there is a potential for air below 32°F to enter the unit, it is essential to lower the freezing point of fluids inside the tube by adding glycol. Glycol can increase the viscosity and create a stationary or slow moving boundary layer near the pipe wall.

RAE Coils’ turbulators solve this issue by breaking up or reducing the thickness of the boundary wall, allowing a more turbulent flow of fluids, RAE says.

Additionally, the turbulators are leak-tested underwater, according to the company.

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