Energy Manager

Two energy auditing companies charged under Consumer Protection Act

July 26, 2012 - The Ministry of Consumer Services has laid over 400 charges under the Consumer Protection Act, 2002, against Mr. Tankless Inc. and Ontario Ensource Inc. and two directors associated with those companies.

July 26, 2012  By  Alyssa Dalton

Mr. Tankless and Ontario Ensource perform home energy audits and install tankless water heater systems, furnaces and air conditioners in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and other locations in southern Ontario.

Charges laid include failure to deliver a valid contract, and failure to refund and various unfair, misleading and unconscionable practices related to the payment of fees for home energy audits and the availability of government rebates. The charges also relate to incentives consumers were offered as signing bonuses but never received. The charges have not been proven in court.

The ministry noted it has received “a large number of consumer complaints and inquiries” since December 2009 about the practices of the two companies.

Ontario’s Consumer Protection Act, 2002, provides fines of up to $250,000 for corporations and $50,000 for individuals convicted of offences. It also provides jail-terms of up to two years less a day for each offence. The act also empowers the court to order offenders to pay compensation or make restitution to victims.

Consumers are reminded to check the ministry’s Consumer Beware List before doing business with any company.

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