Energy Manager

Features Residential
Yukon kicks off inCharge electricity conservation program

September 29, 2014 - Yukon’s two electric utilities have developed a territory-wide initiative aimed at helping Yukoners save electricity and money.

September 29, 2014  By  Alyssa Dalton

The initiative, called inCharge, commences this Wednesday, and was created after substantial input from Yukoners and with direction from the utilities’ regulator, the Yukon Utilities Board, said the partners.

For 2014, the initiatives will focus on:

• LED Lighting Rebate: Yukon residential customers will receive a rebate of $7 for each Energy Star qualified LED light bulb they purchase from Yukon retailers, up to a maximum of eight bulbs per year, per residential account.
• Low-Cost Energy Efficient Products: the two utilities and community partners will distribute electricity saving kits that include items such as LEDs, smart power bars, block heater timers, low flow showerheads, motion detectors for lighting, insulation for hot water tanks/pipes and clothespins.
• Public engagement and education: The utilities will provide general information about how to save electricity through public events, written material, and the inCharge website

Customers who apply for an LED rebate or participate in a user survey before the end of this year will be eligible to win one of three 40-in. energy-efficient TVs.

The Yukon Utilities Board (YUB) directed the utilities to start slowly with electricity conservation aimed at the residential customers and prove savings before reporting back to the board. Once the initial phases of the conservation program have been completed, the utilities will present a much more comprehensive suite of initiatives to the YUB for approval, it said.

Starting next January, the initiative will include rebates for block heater timers.

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