Energy Manager

News Software
Canadian software platform gaining global attention

October 17, 2022  By Staff

This morning, 360 Energy, a local leader in corporate sustainability practices, launched a new, cloud-based software program designed to help companies fight climate change by lowering their carbon emissions.

The new program, 360 Carbon Excellence, first detects and measures carbon emissions and energy inefficiencies, and then provides ongoing and custom-made strategies for organizations to implement effective changes in their operations.

Eighty per cent of carbon emissions come from energy usage, and depending on the industry, energy can be from five per cent to 30 per cent of an organization’s annual operating costs.

360 Carbon Excellence allows organizations to cost-effectively reduce their carbon footprint by five per cent a year with the proper resources and tools, yielding a return on investment (ROI) in the range of 300 per cent or more for organizations that implement the program’s recommended actions.

“With the environmental and economic costs of emitting carbon rising substantially in today’s markets, organizations need new and effective tools to ensure that sustainability and profitability work hand-in-hand together,” says David Arkell, President and CEO of 360 Energy. “Previously, we could acquire data about carbon emissions, but businesses had no way to implement change.”

360 Carbon Excellence provides that road map for a business to implement real and effective changes to reduce carbon footprints. It is an essential tool for any business that wants to fight climate change, lower emissions, and thrive in today’s energy markets.

“We want business to be part of the solution to climate change, and 360 Carbon Excellence provides a framework to help them do that,” says Arkell.

John Lennartz, Vice President, Environment, Energy & Real Estate from Samuel, Son & Co. says 360 Carbon Excellence has been an invaluable tool for their company’s journey in reducing emissions.

“Samuel is committed to implementing best practices and exploring new programs to meet our energy optimization objectives and carbon footprint reductions. The 360 Carbon Excellence program lays out a roadmap of actionable steps we can take to improve our ‘sustainable’ (considered as energy and carbon reduction’) practices,” says Lennartz. “The 360 Carbon Excellence program will give us an advanced plan, and reporting benchmarks, visible throughout our organization, ensuring we have engagement at all levels of the organization.”

Robert Hunt, Plant Manager at Durez Canada, says that it is essential to make carbon emissions reductions clear and visible to stakeholders and employees.

“Like most manufacturing companies, Durez has a regular requirement to report our carbon reduction activities and progress to our internal team and external stakeholders. To assist in this process and help prioritize reduction activities, Durez has enrolled in the 360 Carbon Excellence program,” says Durez. “The program provides a long-term guide of measurable activities as we work towards our carbon reduction goals. Participating in the program allows Durez to download a progress report of our activities measured against our objectives for team members, management, and external stakeholders at any time. We are also able to anonymously compare our carbon reduction progress against the progress of all other participants in the 360 Carbon Excellence program.”

As global climate change intensifies, and with Climate Week 2022 unfolding in New York City, the time is ripe for the launch of 360 Carbon Excellence. The intensifying crisis of global climate change, fuelled by excessive carbon emissions, demands new tools that will help businesses identify and reduce their environmental impact. With its background in the management of carbon and energy, 360 Energy is unveiling a new software strategy and tool to identify, measure, and manage the carbon and energy flows within a business, providing a cost-effective structure and pathway to reduce energy consumption and emissions that fight climate change. In today’s changing markets, energy efficiency is crucial when addressing climate change, and increasing an organization’s bottom line.

“360 Carbon Excellence is a custom-made road-map for your business to be part of the climate solution, while streamlining its operations and reducing its costs. It’s something every business, customer, and the planet, can truly embrace,” says Arkell.

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