Energy Manager

CaSA and Giant Factories Inc. partner to develop a system for monitoring electric water heaters

March 26, 2018 — CaSA, a Montreal-based connected appliances company, and Giant Factories Inc., a water heater manufacturer, recently announced a partnership to develop a new system for monitoring and controlling electric water heaters.

March 26, 2018  By  Ellen Cools

The prototype currently in development is equipped with a detector that would notify a user via email or text message of a water leak or imminent freezing of a water heater.

“The first generation of water heater controllers will be external and will be simple to install on Giant equipment already in use, without even calling a plumber,” explained Martin Fassier, product director at CaSA. “But the longer-term goal is to integrate controllers fully into new Giant products to make them fully connected water heaters.”

The CaSA water heater management interface will be available online or through a mobile app.

Jean-Claude Lesage, Giant Vice President, adds that a Canadian study showed water heating can account for up to 25% of a household’s energy bill.

“The savings will become all the more significant in markets where electricity is priced according to time of use, as in Ontario, for example,” he added.

Accordingly, both companies are studying the potential integration of the smart-grid system, which would enable electricity distributors to respond to peak-period demand by remotely placing a temporary limit on the load required by a large number of water heaters.

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