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Energy Efficiency News
Government announces $182 million investment as part of the Green Infrastructure Fund

January 29, 2018 — Jim Carr, Minister of Natural Resources, has announced a $182 million investment to increase energy efficiency by improving how homes and buildings are designed, renovated and constructed.

January 29, 2018  By  Ellen Cools

The funding, which is part of the Green Infrastructure Fund, will support:

• research, development and demonstration of solutions supporting the adoption of high-efficiency building codes;
• a program to help industry find and test cost-effective, technical solutions for high-performance buildings;
• the development of new energy standards for new and existing homes and buildings; and
• the expansion of energy-labelling programs to provide Canadians with better information on energy use in their businesses and homes

Of the investment, $48.4 million will fund research, development and demonstration of energy-efficient buildings. The government says it is looking for partners as it develops and implements new building codes to improve energy efficiency in Canada. Proposals are now being accepted for research, development and demonstration projects.

“The benefits of investing in energy-efficient buildings goes beyond lower energy costs and include improved health, comfort, productivity and increased asset value. The most important gain will come from the reduction of harmful greenhouse gas emissions, helping Canada address climate change,” said Carr.

Additionally, the government says it is working with provinces, territories and industry on energy code development, data sharing, research and development, and market transformation strategies for the building sector.

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