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Manitoba moves to “Critical Level” pandemic response

November 10, 2020  By  Anthony Capkun

November 10, 2020 – Premier Brian Pallister and Dr. Brent Roussin, Manitoba’s chief provincial public health officer, announced that as of 12:01 am on November 12, the entire Province of Manitoba will move to the Critical Level (Red) on the RestartMB Pandemic Response System.

“We are at a critical point in our fight against Covid-19, and we must do everything we can to protect our most vulnerable Manitobans and ensure our healthcare system is there for Manitobans, when they need it,” said Pallister. “By taking these measures seriously, we are going to save lives.”

The new Critical Level restrictions include:

• Social contacts reduced to your household only. Social gatherings are not permitted.

• Travel to and from northern Manitoba is restricted and non-essential travel is discouraged.

• Retail businesses listed as critical services (e.g. such as grocery stores and pharmacies) can remain open at 25% capacity.

• Retail businesses not on the list are able to provide e-service, curbside pickup or delivery services.

• All personal service businesses (e.g. hair salons, sites offering manicures) must close.

• Gyms and fitness centres must close.

• Religious and cultural gatherings must close or be provided virtually.

• Restaurants must close to the public but may be open for delivery, drive-thru or takeout.

• All recreational activities, sports facilities, casinos, museums, galleries, libraries, movie theatres and concert halls must close.

“We have taken steps in individual regions, but it’s time to take a more drastic approach to halt the rising case number and wide-spread community transmission of this deadly virus,” said Roussin. “I cannot stress enough to all Manitobans: now is the time to stay home and reduce your close contacts.”

No changes will be made to child-care services or to kindergarten to Grade 12 education delivery at this time. Roussin noted the province has not seen widespread transmission among children, students and staff.

Fines for breaching or failing to comply with public health or emergency orders have recently been increased to $1296 for individuals and $5000 for corporations.

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