Energy Manager

New Better Buildings program makes energy efficient retrofits more affordable for Yukon homes and businesses

October 25, 2022  By Staff

The Better Buildings program will provide loans of up to $50,000 for residential and $100,000 for commercial buildings for upgrades that reduce annual energy consumption. Loans provided under the Better Buildings program are offered at the Bank of Canada interest rate, the lowest interest rate available in the country. Participants repay the loans through local improvement charges added to their annual property taxes.

Property owners in participating municipalities and rural property owners located outside of municipal boundaries are eligible to apply. The Village of Haines Junction is the first municipality to sign the Better Buildings program agreement. The Town of Watson Lake and the City of Whitehorse have both committed their support of the program.

“The Better Buildings funding program makes it more accessible and affordable for Yukoners to complete energy efficient retrofits to their homes and businesses. These upgrades will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect owners against rising energy costs and improve a home or building’s longevity and value. The Better Buildings program is another tool for reaching the Our Clean Future target of retrofitting 2,000 residential, commercial and institutional buildings by 2030,” says the Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources John Streicker.

For more information and to learn how to apply visit

“The Better Buildings program will provide Yukoners and Yukon businesses with the support they need to make energy retrofits to their homes and buildings. I thank the Association of Yukon Communities for their support of this initiative. The program is now available to rural property owners and I’m very pleased to see the Village of Haines Junction be the first municipality to participate in the program. We look forward to signing agreements with more Yukon municipalities to make the Better Buildings program available to Yukoners in those communities too,” says the Minister of Community Services Richard Mostyn.

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