Energy Manager

Ontario and Quebec deem some—but not all—buildings, workplace services as Essential

March 24, 2020  By  Doug Picklyk

In their fight against the spread of COVID-19, Ontario and Quebec have published lists of Essential Workplaces which includes institutional, residential, commercial and industrial maintenance workplaces, and more.

In both provinces, other, at-risk workplaces are ordered to close by Midnight, March 24 and, where possible, take the necessary measures so staff can work from home allowing operations to continue.

Teleworking and online commerce are permitted at all times for all businesses.

In Ontario, essential Institutional, Residential, Commercial and Industrial Maintenance Workplaces include:

• Businesses that provide support and maintenance services, including urgent repair, to maintain the safety, security, sanitation and essential operation of institutional, commercial, industrial and residential properties and buildings, including:

property management services, plumbers, electricians, custodial/janitorial workers, cleaning services, security services, fire safety and sprinkler systems, building systems maintenance and repair technicians and engineers, mechanics (e.g. HVAC, escalator and elevator technicians), and other service providers who provide similar services.

Click here or the complete list of Ontario Essential services.

In Quebec, essential workplace services include:

Maintenance and operation of strategic infrastructure, including:

  • the maintenance in good operating condition of essential public infrastructure such as bridges, municipal buildings, and so on;
  • data centres

Building maintenance services, including:

  • janitorial work;
  • building-maintenance firms (elevators, ventilation, alarms, and so on).

Here is the complete list of Quebec Essential Service workplaces.


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