Energy Manager

Energy Efficiency Features
Pat on the back for Kingston Housing Corp. & Utilities’ retrofits

March 21, 2016 - Kingston & Frontenac Housing Corp., a manager of rent-geared-to-income and rent-supplemented housing, and Utilities Kingston were recognized by the Ontario Minister of Energy Bob Chiarelli earlier this month for their efforts to conserve energy through retrofits.

March 21, 2016  By  Renée Francoeur

Joined by Kingston MPP Sophie Kiwala and Mayor Bryan Paterson, Chiarelli commended the companies for efforts in providing energy efficiency retrofits for hundreds of individual and family residences, including installing new energy efficient windows, lighting, home appliances, air conditioners, and furnaces. The companies were also acknowledged for earning $250,000 in incentives for social housing retrofits through Ontario’s saveONenergy program.

 “Utilities Kingston helped us identify, prioritize and fund investments that improve affordability, safety and home comfort for our tenants. We couldn’t have made many of these investments without the support of provincial saveONenergy funding,” said Mary-Lynn Cousins-Brame, CEO, Kingston & Frontenac Housing Corp. “The willingness of Utilities Kingston and their contractors to provide on-site, one-on-one service for their conservation programs has helped our management and our tenants improve energy literacy and save money that we can put to work here in our community.”

“Conservation investments by our customers improve the affordability of electricity, provide local jobs for tradespeople, reduce emissions, and increase the useful life and capacity of Kingston Hydro’s electricity distribution system,” added Jim Keech, president and CEO of Utilities Kingston.

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