Energy Manager

HVAC & Plumbing Product
Publisher releases ‘Facilities Management Volume 2’

The 144-page book covers topics from improving management of HVAC systems for healthy air quality to energy conservation and cost savings.

July 23, 2020  By Energy Manager Canada


A new handbook for facilities managers and building owners, Facilities Management Volume 2, offers guidance for how to ensure HVAC systems are properly maintained and upgraded to minimize virus spread and optimize performance to save energy.

Published by Pavilion Business Services, the 144-page book covers topics from improving management of HVAC systems for healthy air quality to energy conservation and cost savings.

“Successful businesses will adapt and innovate to meet their customers’ and employees’ new behaviours and needs while also instilling confidence,” says the book’s creator Greg Spafford, managing director of Pavilion Business Services. “Improved indoor air quality, ventilation, and purification are essential to keeping buildings – and those inside them – healthy.”

The Facilities Management Volume 2 provides insights into:

  • designing and developing a better functioning workplace
  • knowledge on HVAC effects
  • improving air quality to maximize health and safety
  • increasing comfort and reducing energy costs

The handbook is available at

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