Energy Manager

Student winners named in Schneider Electric’s “Go Green in the City” 2012 challenge

June 27, 2012 - Schneider Electric welcomed in Paris, France, for the second consecutive year, from June 20 to June 23, the 50 finalists of its international "Go Green in the City" challenge.

June 27, 2012  By  Alyssa Dalton

Marcellye Miranda (Universida Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil) and Igor Soares (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Brazil) were awarded winners during the final, held at the Group headquarters for their idea “Green Light”. The two winners won a trip around the world to visit Schneider Electric facilities and network with employees, high-level management and senior executives. Furthermore, they will be offered a job.

Gathered in Paris for three days, the finalists, originating from Germany, Brazil, China, USA, France, India, Russia Turkey and Poland, presented through case studies, viable solutions in energy management, for one of the following five essential urban issues: home, retail, hospital, university and water.

“I congratulate the winners of Go Green in the City 2012, for their innovative idea for more effectively managing energy in the city,” said Karen Ferguson, executive vice president, Global Human Resources, Schneider Electric. “This competition reflects Schneider Electric’s ambition to educate younger generations in the current global energy challenge and allows us to create a strong link with the young potentials who will influence the future of energy management, where the core strengths of our company will have an important impact.”

During the final event in Paris, the students had the opportunity to mingle with the jury, comprising senior leaders from Schneider Electric. The finalists were also interviewed for an internship, which if granted, could lead to a permanent employment offer.

More than 550 teams representing 1,100 candidates from nine countries participated in this year’s challenge.

PHOTO: From left to right, the runner team, Cansu Çelik and Hasan Erdem Harman (Istanbul Technical University, Turkey), the winning team, Marcellye Miranda and Igor Soare, the runner team ex aequo, Chih-Ting Kuo and Xinyu Zhang (University of Illinois Urban-Champaign, USA).

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