Energy Manager

Tribe brings in EnerSavings to provide energy-saving solutions

January 3, 2023  By  Anthony Capkun

January 3, 2023 – Tribe Property Technologies has partnered with energy management company EnerSavings Inc. to outfit its buildings with energy-saving solutions.

Energy savings are vital to help conserve the environment, stabilize electricity prices, and keep a tab on rising utility bills, said Tribe CEO Joseph Nakhla.

Tribe provides a suite of products and services for building and managing residential communities.

“We at Tribe really see the value for our communities of implementing energy-saving solutions,” Nakhla added.

EnerSavings will design and install a customized approach for EV charging stations, energy-efficient HVAC systems and LED lighting for Tribe buildings across the country.

“We are very excited to partner with Tribe and look forward to adding value to their communities by future-proofing them to both reduce their energy use and substantially increase the value of the building asset,” said EnerSavings’ chief executive and co-founder Kevin Lisso.

EnerSavings says its retrofits help reduce energy bills by up to 75% while lowering GHG emissions.

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