Energy Manager

ABACCUS recognizes Alberta for enhancing retail energy competition

December 17, 2012 - According to ABACCUS, consumers in areas of North America that have opened their electricity markets to retail competition have seen a surge in product and service innovations compared with consumers in areas where electricity remains a commodity delivered by monopoly providers.

December 17, 2012  By  Anthony Capkun

“Retail electricity competition grew in 2012 at an even more aggressive pace than in 2011. Competition has prompted retail energy providers to deliver lower prices and a greater number of innovative energy offers for consumers. The overall results include record numbers of customer engagement and a better alignment of customers with the services they prefer. For commercial and industrial customers, retail competition also continues to mean better global competitiveness,” said Nat Treadway, Distributed Energy Financial Group LLC (DEFG) managing partner and lead author of the Annual Baseline Assessment of Choice in Canada and the United States (ABACCUS).

The report identifies about a dozen areas of North America for their efforts to deliver retail competition; in Canada, Alberta is acknowledged for its policies that foster choice for electricity customers. “These areas have vibrant markets with numerous retail energy suppliers and numerous service choices for customers of all sizes,” says the report. Alberta is also recognized for its efforts to further enhance retail competition in 2012 and beyond.

According to DEFG, ABACCUS provides a “baseline for building a properly functioning competitive energy market”.

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