Energy Manager

Industrial News
Energy Efficiency Alberta adds industrial specific rebates to BNI program

February 23, 2018 — Industrial-specific rebates have been added to Energy Efficiency Alberta’s Business, Non-Profit and Institutional (BNI) Energy Savings Program for products such as pump-off controllers for pump jacks, compressed air leak detection and repair, process exhaust filtration and more.

February 23, 2018  By  Ellen Cools

The program helps organizations reduce their energy use by replacing inefficient equipment with new energy-efficient technologies.

Other products include:

• Variable frequency drives for combustion air fans
• Steam trap survey and retrofit
• Retro-commissioning for economizers and fresh air dampers
• Pneumatic to electric instrument conversion
• No-loss drains (compressed air)
• Chiller tune-up
• Loading dock door and pit seals
• Valve repair — chilled water/hot water
Organizations purchase products and once installed, submit product information and proof of purchase online to receive the rebate. Contractors can do this on behalf of their customers when they complete the installation.

Most industrial facilities that are not large final emitters qualify for the program.

“Alberta manufacturers are committed to improving energy efficiency and competing for customers around the world. The expanded energy efficiency program will return some carbon levy dollars to manufacturers to help them invest in equipment and technology that will reduce emissions and improve productivity,” said David MacLean, vice president, Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters.  

As of December 2017, over 1,200 organizations have participated in the BNI program, receiving a total of $3.5 million in rebates.

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