Energy Manager

Energy Efficiency News
Energy Efficiency Alberta BNI program providing more funding until March 31

January 16, 2018 — Energy Efficiency Alberta has announced changes to its Business, Non-Profit and Institutional (BNI) Energy Savings Program, which was launched in May 2017.

January 16, 2018  By  Ellen Cools

As of January 15, 2018, the following changes to the program are effective:

• Additional funding is available to the BNI program to accommodate more project applications. This program funding will be available until March 31, 2018, when funding levels will be re-evaluated for the next program year.
• Funding per facility has increased from $60,000 per Site ID to $100,000 per Site ID per year. Annual caps will be assessed by Program Year rather than a 365 day rolling period.
• 23 new measures have been added to the program. Many of these benefit the hospitality and restaurant sectors, says Energy Efficiency Alberta.
• The incentive amounts have been increased for certain HVAC measures to better reflect the price of products in the Alberta market.
• The application requirements for many lighting products is now an easier process for customers to navigate. For example, in the application process, specification sheets are no longer required for products that require Design Light Consortium (DLC) or Energy Star qualification. Instead, product reference numbers from DLC or Energy Star will be required in the online application process, as well as on price-quotes and final invoices.
• Pre-approval application time frames have been shortened from 12 months to six months.
• Private labelled products must have their products listed on the DLC list (where applicable) to be eligible for rebates.
• Application processes have been refined to speed application submission and processing.
• Product eligibility requirements have been clarified to reduce application errors.

Additionally, as of February 5, 2018, Energy Efficiency Alberta will launch new prescriptive rebates for the industrial sector as part of the BNI program.

The pilot industrial program will focus on products that will provide savings in small and medium industrial sectors by targeting a limited list of measures expected to provide energy savings.

Projects that meet the requirements, with equipment installed between January 15 and March 15, 2018, will be eligible for rebates. Following this pilot program, results will be analyzed and a new plan for the industrial sector will be determined.

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