Energy Manager

Cleantech Commercial Energy Efficiency Features News
Intellinox Ecoazur kitchen ventilation system gets a boost from SDTC

February 17, 2021  By  Anthony Capkun

February 17, 2021 – Sustainable Development Technology Canada recently announced the 20 Canadian companies who are “pushing the boundaries of innovation and making Net Zero a reality”, and will be sharing a $55-million SDTC investment.

Intellinox Technologies Inc., (Quebec City) is receiving $1.2 million for its Ecoazur demand-control kitchen ventilation (DCKV) system for commercial kitchens.

The Ecoazur solution acts as hub so staff can control a range of parameters, including temperature and cooking by-product (smoke and vapour), exhaust and supply airflows, the speed of VFDs or ECMs, modulating dampers and more.

Then, using algorithms and sensors, Ecoazur offers a multitude of cooking modes to generate energy savings—up to 70%, says the company. The solution can also be integrated with a variety of building automation systems.

According to SDTC, “We find, fund, and foster the entrepreneurs who will lead the transition to a zero-carbon, zero-waste economy […] We catalyze cleantech innovation at every stage: with seed funding to identify emerging innovations; with start-up support to develop and demonstrate these innovations; and, with scale-up investments to give firms the final nudge toward commercialization, adoption, and market leadership”.

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