Energy Manager

Features Residential
Milton Hydro drives conservation through community engagement

July 21, 2014 - Milton Hydro—in partnership with Simple Energy—will deliver a social benchmarking program to customers in Milton, Ont., that aims to demonstrate how community engagement can deliver energy conservation.

July 21, 2014  By  Anthony Capkun

Funded by the Ontario Power Authority’s (OPA) Conservation Fund, participants will earn rewards through the Milton Community Energy Challenge for reducing their household energy use and help schools earn prizes by joining school challenge teams.

“The Conservation Fund is designed to help implement innovative ideas just like this one, to help us move conservation forward across Ontario,” said Colin Andersen, OPA’s CEO. “We congratulate Milton Hydro for taking a leadership role and participating in new conservation initiatives, and we look forward to the results of this pilot program.”

Participants enrolled in the challenge will receive weekly Energy Insight reports delivered to their email Inbox, which will help them better understand their household energy use with personalized data and comparisons to similar households. The program offers deeper engagement online, where participants can track their household energy use and reward points, view school challenge team rankings, complete energy-saving tips and redeem points. Reward points can be redeemed for gift cards (similar to credit card company rewards programs).

Elementary schools in Milton will be awarded prizes for motivating parents, students and teachers to conserve energy at home. When participants register in the program, they will be able to join the school challenge team of their choice.

“We have already achieved major results from energy-saving programs with utilities across North America, and plan to replicate that success in our partnership with Milton Hydro,” said Yoav Lurie (photo), CEO and founder of Simple Energy.

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