Energy Manager

PowerStream Energy Managers assist large commercial and institutional customers

August 1, 2012 - In an effort to assist large commercial and institutional customers with energy management, PowerStream is now offering "Roving Energy Managers" to help eligible customers assess energy use, develop energy management plans and implement energy efficiency projects.

August 1, 2012  By  Alyssa Dalton

PowerStream said it implemented this initiative because it “recognized how energy efficiency can be a big boost to a company’s operations and bottom line”.

“The ability of companies to get this expertise in place, even for only a specified period of time, can be the critical resource to keep an organization moving forward in this area,” it said.

This expertise is currently being offered only to those customers who meet certain criteria.

PowerStream, working with six of its customers, obtained funding from the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) for these energy managers. The Roving Energy Managers have kilowatt and kilowatt-hour reduction targets, which will help PowerStream meet energy reduction goals within the utility’s service territory.

PowerStream is also assisting the Region of York, City of Markham and Norampac in finding and implementing energy savings projects by providing funding for Embedded Energy Managers, dedicated solely to one customer, each having a minimum energy reduction target of 300 kW.

“We’re committed to helping our customers become more energy efficient,” said Frank Scarpitti, PowerStream chair and mayor of the City of Markham. “By adding resources and expertise of these energy specialists, we’re assisting our largest customers achieve their energy reduction targets and improve their bottom lines.”

Large commercial and institutional customers interested in participating in this program, or requiring additional information, can contact Nathalie McLauchlin, CDM Program Manager, Industrial Markets at 1-877-963-6900, extension 25098.

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