Energy Manager

Feds support University of Guelph heat recovery project

The school's $1.6 million heating system upgrades project includes a flue gas heat recovery system and the installation of heat pumps.

October 15, 2020  By Energy Manager Canada

The federal government has announced support of approximately $640,000 to help fund the University of Guelph’s $1.6 million heating system upgrades project including a campus flue gas heat recovery system that will reduce emissions by decreasing the natural gas used for heating the university centre building and improving heat recovery efficiency through the installation of heat pumps.

The University will connect its centre building with the main campus heating system using low-temperature hot water piping, making use of under-utilized capacity to reduce the consumption of natural gas for heating. Heat pumps will also be installed at the central plant, increasing the use of electricity for heating and improving the efficiency of the heat recovery process.

Currently, many large campus buildings use steam heating from burning natural gas. U of G’s heat recovery system captures flue gas from steam boilers to heat water, which then provides recycled heat to buildings across campus.

Each year, this upgrade will reduce U of G’s greenhouse gas emissions by about 2,000 tonnes and replace the equivalent of 1.1 million cubic metres of natural gas.

The heat pumps will improve the amount of heat captured from the flue gas, which is redirected to heat the university buildings.

The government money will come from the Low Carbon Economy Fund which supports energy-efficiency projects in provinces and territories across Canada.

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